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In this Article you'll find definitions of the Attributes within Distil, including a description of how the Attribute value is created and how it is used.

While Products, Pages and other objects also have Attributes in Distil, the Attributes on this page are all related to the Customer. This is because it's Customer Attributes that you will use when creating Segments and pushing data to Destinations. You can still read all about Product, Pages and other objects in our articles on Data Sources and also Tracking.

Distil comes with a set of standard Attributes, some of which are listed below. You can also create your own Custom Attributes as described in our articles on Data Sources and also Tracking.

We will soon be adding a comprehensive data dictionary to this Article. However for now we've listed our most asked-for definitions below. 

Core Attributes

First Seen

Usage: Used to define the Newness attribute within AI Segments.
Calculation: The earliest date that Distil has detected this customer record amongst all the connected data sources.
Values: Date and time.


Last Seen

Usage: Used to define the Engagement Recency attribute within AI Segments.
Calculation: The latest updated date field that Distil has detected for this customer record amongst all the connected data sources.
Values: Date and time.


AI Segment Attributes

Customer Value

Usage: Used to define Customer Value.
Calculation: Sum the total value of all the orders this Customer has ever placed. Compare this value to the total order value of all other Customers, and rank this Customer relative to all other Customers.

Best: the Customer is ranked in the top 76% of customer spend

High: the Customer is ranked in the second quartile (51% 75%)

Average: third quartile (26% - 50%)

Low: bottom quartile (<=25%)

None: the Customer has no recorded spend


Engagement Recency

Usage: Used to define Active Customers.

Recency is calculated using the date of the last event in the data available to Distil (see the Last Seen attribute for more detail).

A single Customer may have multiple results, e.g. both 'This quarter' and 'This year' if first seen 80 days ago.


Last 30 days: the Customer has engaged with your business in the last 30 days

Last 60 days: the Customer has engaged in the last 31 to 60 days

Last 90 days: the Customer has engaged in the last 61 to 90 days

Last 180 days: the Customer has engaged in the last 91 to 180 days

Last Year: the Customer has engaged in the last 365 days

None: no engagement within the last 180 days



Usage: Used to define Loyal Customers.
Calculation: Take the available period of Customer purchase history and divide it into quarters. If four years is available then each quarter would be one year. A Customer is Loyal if they have made a purchase in the 1st or 3rd, AND 2nd or 4th periods.
Values: Loyal, or None.


Marketing Subscribed

Usage: Used to define whether a Customer has agreed to receive marketing information. 
Calculation: Derived from Tracking data, specifically the GDPRStatus object within the CustomerProperties object. You can read more about this in our article on Tracking.
Values: Unsubscribed, Partial, Subscribed, Unknown



Usage: Used to define New Customers.

Newness is determined by when a Customer was First Seen in the data available to Distil (see the First Seen attribute for more detail).

A single Customer may have multiple results, e.g. both 'This quarter' and 'This year' if first seen 80 days ago.


New: first seen 0-10 days ago

This month: first seen 0-30 days ago

This quarter: first seen 0-90 days ago

This year: first seen 0-365 days ago

Not New: first seen more than 365 days ago

None: this Customer doesn't have a first seen date


Purchase Recency

Usage: Used to define Active Customers.

Recency is calculated using the date of the Customer's most recent purchase.


Last 30 days: the Customer has purchased in the last 30 days

Last 60 days: the Customer has purchased in the last 31 to 60 days

Last 90 days: the Customer has purchased in the last 61 to 90 days

Last 180 days: the Customer has purchased in the last 91 to 180 days

Last year: the Customer has purchased in the last 181 to 365 days

Over 1 Year: the Customer last purchased more than 365 days ago

None: no purchases within the last year


Recent Engagement

Usage: Used to define 'Best' Customers.
Calculation: Sum the total number of engagements with the Customer over the past 90 days. Compare this value to the total number of engagements of all other Customers, and rank this Customer relative to all other Customers.

Best: the Customer is ranked in the top 75% of Customer spend

High: the Customer is ranked in the second quartile (51% 75%)

Average: third quartile (26% - 50%)

Low: bottom quartile (<=25%)

None: the Customer has no recorded engagements.


Risk of Leaving

Usage: Used to define At Risk Customers.

The Distil algorithms look at a Customer's purchase behaviour to determine the risk of them leaving (not making another purchase).

See 'Values' below for a more detailed explanation.


High Risk: the Customer has not made a purchase in the last 90 days, but they have made at least one purchase between 91 and 365 days ago, and at least one purchase more than 365 days ago.

Medium Risk: the Customer has not made a purchase in the last 0-60 days, but they have made at least one purchase between 61 and 365 days ago, and at least one purchase more than 365 days ago.

None: All other Customers.



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