Analytics Portal - Data Verification Dashboard

  • Updated

This dashboard helps you verify that data is flowing from your Data Sources into Distil. The three types of Data Sources are: Tracking, Database Sync and Integrations.

If you haven't already done so, read our Introduction to the Analytics Portal before diving into the detail of the Data Verification Dashboard.

This dashboard displays values for all records in Distil, regardless of the data source. For example, if you have 100 Customers in Mailchimp and an additional 200 Customers in Shopify, then you will see a total of 300 Customers in the dashboard.

The values in this dashboard are automatically updated daily. You can also force a data refresh, see the sections below for more information.

Totals and Values

The dashboard displays totals and individual records for six key values:

  • Customers
  • Products
  • Order Count
  • Order Value
  • Content
  • Events

The totals for each value are displayed in the top pane of the dashboard (see section A in the screenshot below). You can select a value to view by clicking a tab (see section B in the screenshot below). The default value is Customers. 

The charts, filters and tables below this top pane are specific to the selected value.


Data Vaerification.png



The two charts in the middle section (see section C in the screenshot above) show new in the last 10 days, and total cumulative over the last 10 days. For example, where the Customers tab is selected, the chart on the left will show new Customers in the last 10 days, and the chart on the right will show cumulative Customers in the last 10 days. Hover your mouse cursor over the charts to see dates and numbers.

The values in these charts are automatically updated daily.

In the top right corner of this section are three dots. Click the three dots to perform actions including:

  • force a refresh of the data in the charts (this will also refresh the data in the table below),
  • download the charts as an image,
  • export the data as a CSV file.

Table and Filters

The bottom section (see section D in the screenshot above) is a table displaying individual records, and a set of filters that can be applied to the data in the table. This section is useful for checking that a specific record has successfully flowed from the data source into Distil (for example, a specific Customer).

Select appropriate filters in the pane on the right, and click Apply to see the filter reflected in the data in the table on the right. To clear a filter, click the X next to the applied filter, and then click Apply.

You can also sort the results in the table by clicking any of the headings. To sort in the reverse order (e.g. from low-to-high, to high-to-low), click the heading again.

In the top right corner of this section are three dots. Click the three dots to perform actions including:

  • force a refresh of the data in the table (this will also refresh the data in the charts above),
  • download the table as an image,
  • export the data as a CSV file.

Metrics in this Dashboard

Metric Definition

Total Customers

The total number of distinct Customer records in Distil.
Total Products The total number of Products in Distil.
Total Order Count The total number of distinct Orders in Distil.
Total Order Value The total value of all Orders in Distil.
Total Content The total number of Content articles in Distil
Total Events The total number of engagement Events in Distil.

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