Website Channel Granularity Dashboard Guide

  • Updated

Website Channel Granularity

What this dashboard does

This dashboard provides the ability to interrogate individual channel performance by breaking down individual channel performance across various metrics.

Its purpose is to enable metric-by-metric analysis at all levels. 

How to use this dashboard

All charts and tables provide a 30-day view of performance as the standard load, but each can be altered using the filters (explained below). The charts display the results over the past 30 days for the chosen metric, plus a Year-on-Year comparison, which is offset so the days of the week match.

There are 7 filters which can be applied:

  • Attribution Model: Default to 30-day attribution window, but can be switched to 90-day window. 
  • Date range: Default to last 30 days, which can be altered using the filter
  • Time granularity: Default to Day, and allows the user to change the display of the interval points on the graphs 
  • Channels: Default is all, and allows the user to select the channel/s to be analysed
  • Campaign: Default is all, and allows the user to select the campaign/s to be analysed
  • Restaurant: Default is all, and allows the user to select the restaurant/s to be analysed
  • Service: Default is all, and allows the user to select the service/s to be analysed
  • Region: Default is all, and allows the user to select the region/s to be analysed 
  • Segment: Default is "All Customers" & "None" from the Distil Single Customer View, and allows the user to select segments to analyse

Dashboard Charts

Each of the metrics listed below will be presented with:

  • The total number for the selected time period, plus the total number for the same period last year/month. 
  • A line chart displaying change over the selected time period, plus a year-on-year comparison, and a month-on-month comparison available in separate toggle views. 

The metrics are:

  • Sessions
  • Users
  • New Users
  • Repeat Users
  • Reservations 
  • Guests
  • Covers
  • Cancellation Rate 
  • Conversion Rate
  • Realised Revenue 
  • Assumed Revenue
  • Blended Revenue 
  • Spend (marketing spend)
  • ROAS
  • CAC

At the foot of the dashboard, there is a summary table which outlines the grouping of distinct attribution points and the number of bookings that have been made that follow that pattern.


Note: Definitions vary by client. Contact your customer success manager for specific definitions. 

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