Website Performance Summary: Daily, Weekly & Monthly Dashboard Guides
What these dashboards do
The website performance summary dashboards provide an overview of top-line performance of all measurable marketing activity and the impact it has on reservations and revenue.
Practically, it is a series of dashboards, all forming one larger dashboard. It is broken down into daily, weekly, and monthly summaries, but they can all be accessed from within one another.
There are a series of metrics, all of which are repeated for different time intervals.
There is then a regional summary of various metrics for simple comparative analysis and reporting.
The filers are Region and Day, Week and Month. Irrespective of the time period of the dashboard, all charts show the previous 30-days and a month on month comparison.
Dashboard Charts
The dashboard is broken down into three blocks:
The left-hand block (Online Visitors) is focussed on online visitors that are attributable to marketing:
- Tab 1 (all) is a count of all visitors, and then shows how many of those are new online visitors (not previously seen).
- Tab 2 (Known) is a count of all known visitors (being those identified with an email address in the SCV) and those that are newly known (having provided their email address for the first time).
- Tab 3 (Subscribed) is a count of those visitors that are subscribed to marketing and those that are newly subscribed.
- Tab 4 (Find a Table Clicks) is a count of all unique visitors who clicked the "find a table" CTA from the Book a Table page.
The middle block (Online Reservations) is focused on online reservations that are attributable to marketing:
- Tab 1 (bookers) is a count of all individuals that have made a reservation, and then shows how many of those are reservations from first time diners (made their first reservation).
- Tab 2 (revenue) is a the predicted value of all reservations made from the reservations made that day/week/month and then a prediction of the revenue coming from new bookers/first time diners.
- Tab 3 (reservations) is a count of the number of reservations made that day/week/month and then the number of reservations that have come from new bookers during that time period.
- Tab 4 (covers) is a count of the number of covers from reservations made and then the number of covers from first time reservations.
The right-hand block (Repeat Online Reservations) is focused on repeat online reservations that are attributable to marketing:
- Tab 1 (Bookers) is a count of all individuals that have made their second or more reservation, and then shows how many of those are reservations that have made their second reservation online.
- Tab 2 (Revenue) is a the predicted revenue of all reservations made from the second or thirds reservations made that day/week/month and then a prediction of the revenue coming from those that have made their second reservation.
- Tab 3 (Reservations) is a count of the number of second or more reservations made that day/week/month and then the number of second reservations.
- Tab 4 (Covers) is a count of the number of covers from reservations made from second or more reservations and then the number of covers from second reservations.
Under the blocks follows a series of regional comparisons:
- Online visitors by region
- New online visitors by region
- Find a Table clicks by region
- New Find a Table clicks by region
- Online reservations by region
- New online reservations by region
- Bookers by region
- Repeat bookers by region
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