How to Manage GDPR Consent Consolidation

  • Updated

It is inevitable that a percentage of your Customer list will not have granted marketing consent. This section describes the tools in that allow you to manage this.

While managing GDPR consent sounds simple, the practical reality of it is that it's something a lot of businesses struggle with. Each tool, be that CRM, Email, SMS, Social, all likely provide their own opt-in/out mechanism. If you run any form of e-commerce, that also will likely have an opt-in to marketing on check-out. And of course there are tools designed to promote users to sign-up, so on, until it becomes a bit of a headache. 

Fortunately for you, has GDPR Consolidation tools built right in, so you can easily make a Customer Segment where Customers have indicated they wish to be marketed to. 

Source GDPR Status

Let’s start with the source of Customer consent. This is likely to be gathered in one or two (or even many) places. If you are working in a business that has a single source of this consent, then hats off! Often though we find that there is an email marketing tool, a backend-database and plethora of other Customer experience tools that have some form of consent or unsubscribe capture.

And tools such as Mailchimp have multiple Audiences, each with their own Unsubscribe flows. 

If the source system has consent information the value of this is brought into and mapped as core attribute i.e. it is recognised, in the same way as an email address or first name would be. 

You can use these values with the Segmentation tool to create a Subscribed Segment. Because you have this value in your Single Customer View from all tools you work with it is possible to create nuanced Segmentation conditions. Depending on your scenario this may be the best approach. 

However Distil also provides a set of roll-up statues that may save you some effort. 

Core Data GDPR Subscribed Status 

Found in the Customer Core dataset this is stored against each Customer and is either TRUE or FALSE. This attribute has a pessimistic view of the Customers subscribed status. It is only TRUE if the Subscribed status is TRUE where that Customer is found in all datasets. Thus if a Customer has a single FALSE status in any dataset, this will also read FALSE. 

In the Single Customer View data view there is also an additional roll up value, GDPR Subscribed Count. This is a count of the Subscribed statues. An example value would be 1 of 9. This means that the Customer has been found to have a single TRUE in amongst 9 data source values. This is an indicative value and cannot be used in Segmentation. 

A.I. Tags - Marketing Subscribed

The third roll-up status you have is the A.I. Tags Marketing Subscribed value. This is driven by a basic ruleset and can be a useful, less pessimistic, method of creating your GDPR list. 

This will add one of the following values to each Customer:

  • Unsubscribed: The Customer has to have been found to have at least one Unsubscribe and no Subscribes. 
  • Partial: The Customer has been found to have a mix of Subscribe and Unsubscribes across your datasets. 
  • Subscribed: The Customer has been found to have only Subscribes across your datasets. No unsubscribes. 
  • Unknown: The Customer has been found to have no Subscribe or Unsubscribe information across your datasets. 

You can of course mix these attributes with the raw TRUE/FALSE subscribe information in each dataset to create the perfect mix. 

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